A Member
Joining Youth for Common Sense is critical as America seems to grow further and further apart.

How To Join.
Youth for Common Sense is an organization that thrives because of our members. Joining to become a member is simple: all you have to do is sign the depolarization pledge. This will make you an official member! By signing the depolarization pledge, you also sign up to receive our newsletter and other communications which will detail how you can become active.
Membership Activities
Participate in
One of the core parts of Youth for Common Sense is engaging with people who think differently from you. As a member of Youth for Common Sense, we will help give you the resources to bridge the divide in your community.
Have Your
Writing Featured
Participate in Townhalls
Be featured in our monthly newsletter sharing your thoughts on issues and what the middle group may look like on those issues.
Join us in conversations with experts and elected officials from across the nation to discuss how we can further our movement.
How do I become a member?By signing the depolarization pledge! From there we will add you to our action email list and we will email you with opportunities to participate.
What is the time commitment on becoming a member?There is no time commitment when you become a member. We invite you to participate as little or as much as you would like from there!
How can I get more involved?We run a fellowship each fall and spring semester that meets weekly for ten weeks that is a more significant commitment beyond being a member. We also encourage you to participate more in activities we invite you to through our action emails!

Depolarization Pledge
By signing the Depolarization Pledge you not only commit to the beliefs outlined in the pledge but you are also becoming a member of Youth for Common Sense.
The Full Pledge
I pledge my support for the ideals of common sense and collaboration, and I commit myself to furthering these values by incorporating them into my daily life.
I pledge to learn about core American tenets such as seeing the value in engaging with people I disagree with, discovering and learning about differing political views, and understanding the importance of another perspective. Instead of being stuck in my own beliefs, I will seek to learn from people I disagree with and understand their view.
I pledge to avoid being stuck in my echo chamber of only affirming my own beliefs. I will listen to opposing viewpoints and genuinely consider them without judging or demeaning anyone.
I pledge to stand against stereotyping anyone based on their political party. I will not attempt to group everyone from one party together, especially in a negative light. To do this, I will evaluate my personal biases, whether those stem from my experiences, values, or political socialization, and recognize where they may fall short. Additionally, I will be open to re-evaluating my perspective in hopes of contributing to a productive and educational discussion.
Finally, I pledge to always attempt to find common ground, through extensive conversation, detailed inquiry, or debate.